Our Caswell reservation has been confirmed for July 28th - August 1st. We'll be staying in Live Oak, a residence building on the campus of the North Carolina Baptist Assembly at Fort Caswell. We will be eating our meals in the campus dining hall.
The theme for the week is "REMAIN", based on John 15:4-5. The featured speaker will be the Rev. David Sons, Family & Discipleship Pastor at Lake Murray Baptist Church in Lexington, South Carolina.
Click here for more information about the program, and click here to navigate to the N.C. Baptist Assembly website.
Click here for a fact sheet and registration form for the trip.
If you would like to register for the trip, and pay your deposit online, click here for our online payment page.
In order to participate in any youth event that takes place off the church campus, we require that the parents complete a Youth Health Form. This form provides basic health information which would be used by medical personnel in the event of an accident or medical emergency, as well as contact information for the parents. We take these forms with us whenever we take youth to an off-campus event.
Click here to download a blank copy of the Youth Health Form.
Youth Fellowship meets on Sunday evening from 6:00pm - 8:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall.
It's a time for middle and high school youth to mingle with their friends and participate in an in-depth Bible study geared to their particular needs.
A light supper is served each evening prior to the Bible study.